Thursday, February 4, 2010

Globaloria Week 2

I thought that uploading videos and pictures was not very hard. It wasn't very hard as long as you followed the directions. I also thought that it was interesting how you had to upload the videos and pictures. One of my favorite parts was when we got to change the background color on our wiki. One thing that I found hard was linking our blogs to our blogger page, because mine didn't work very good! I am excited to see what we will be doing in the future because I find this class very interesting.


  1. I do not agree with you. I think it was very confusing. I followed the direction and it was still hard. I thought it was interesting too that we can upload pictures and videos.

  2. Shaina, I thought your blog post was really cool. Changing the background color was one of my favorite things we did this week too! I really enjoyed reading your blog post.

  3. Your blog was very good. I thought linking our blogs to blogger was hard too. I liked uploading our pictures too.

  4. Shaina, your blog is so pretty. One of my favorite parts was changing the backround too! Good Job!

  5. Shaina,it's great that you are excited about this class. Some things may seem hard, but if you listen to instructions of your teachers or follow tutorials and share what you know with your friends, you will learn easily and come up with a great game!

  6. Hi Shaina. I'm glad you find this class interesting. I wish this class was offered when I was in middle school!

    You are not only learning how to make video games in Globaloria, but you're also learning how to collaborate in teams, and how to utilize Web 2.0 tools like blogger and wikis. Keep up the great work : )


    David Lowenstein
    State Director, Globaloria WV
